Monday, September 12, 2011

Yoga vs Couch Potato

Yoga vs Couch Potato


Diane, a very thin woman in her late 30s wearing yoga pants and a yogo shirt does downward dog on yoga mat in front of the TV.
Lisa, a tubby 14 year old girl wearing baggy pants and t-shirt, sits on the couch eating a bowl of ice cream with extra marshmallows and chocolate syrup.

On the wall there is a plaque that reads, "Diane Roth, Fitness Coach of the Year"

Lisa is smiling as she enjoys her ice cream. Diane is moaning in pain from her yoga.

DIANE: Lisa, why don't you come down here and exercise with me.

LISA: I'd rather eat broccoli than put my butt in the air and wave it around like you.

DIANE: Well I don't think you should sit there and just watch TV and play online all the time. Its not healthy for you.

LISA: I'd rather do drink aloe vera juice than quit watching TV and playing online.

DIANE: Now that is going too far. Aloe vera juice is too much money and not enough nutrition.

LISA: Mom, what if science is all wrong about whats good for us and whats bad?

DIANE: No way. Science is very clear on whats good for us and bad.

LISA: Mom, science used to think that worms sprung from dead animals spontaneously. They haven't got a clue.

DIANE: Don't be ridiculous. Science clearly knows what its talking about, like when it says that red wine is good for you.
Diane picks up her wine glass and slugs the red wine back.

LISA: Research is very conflicted on red wine.

DIANE: Next you'll be saying that coffee is bad for me.

LISA: Research is very conflicted on coffee also.

DIANE: Next you'll tell me that the research shows that eating ice cream is good for you.

LISA: Ice cream has calcium and only 170 calories. It's not as bad as you'd think.

DIANE: Move over and give me some of that. I am starved.

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