Friday, September 16, 2011

Lawyer in a Mini Skirt Suit on a Skate Board


Ruth and Jennifer are 35 year old criminal defendant lawyers at a high priced law firm. They are both wearing dark blue mini skirt suits with pin stripes. Ruth has long black hair pulled back in a pony tail. Jennifer has short bleach blond hair. Both are very beautiful and walk confidently down the street in their high heel shoes.

Ruth: When the judge threw out my last evidence, I thought I was going to loose my cool. I am so glad you were free to go for a walk.

Jennifer: No problem. Remember we used to walk together all the time when we were kids.

Ruth: As I remember, we skate boarded.

Jennifer points at two teen age boys with skateboards.

Jennifer: True, look, those boys have nice boards.

Ruth: Lets go ask them if we can borrow them.

Jennifer: And skate board with our heels?

Ruth: Lets try it. (to the boys) can we borrow your boards for a few minutes?

Boy 1: For real?
The boys look at each other.
Boy 2: 50 bucks for 10 minutes.

Ruth: 10 bucks for 20 minutes..

Boy 1: 20 bucks for 20 minutes

Ruth: Deal
She gives him 20 and they take the boards.

They start skating down the street. everyone they pass stares at them.

Jennifer: This is amazing. I haven't felt this free in years.

Ruth: I never want to go back to an office.

They skate down wallstreet and up. Men in suits on their cellphones stop and stare. Women drop their jaws open in shock. Cars almost crash.

Finally a police man starts chasing them.
Police Man: What the hell are you two women doing on skate boards?

Ruth: I am a lawyer and I know its not against the law, so whats the basis for your questions?

Police Man: You've got to be kidding me. A lawyer in a mini skirt suit on a skate board? Get off the board now.

Jennifer: She's right. Theres nothing illegal so whats your problem? 

Police Man: (into his radio) I need backup. I've got a code 362436.

Radio: No way, thats the third lawyer in a mini skirt suit on a skate board today, Joe.

A few minutes later the women are put into the back of a police car.

The cop leans over as he puts them in.

Police Man: Next time you'll think twice before you skate while in a mini skit suit while being a lawyer.

The boys stand near by and hear what they say.
Boy 1: (to boy 2 in a whisper) Thats a warning to us too. We've got to stay on the straight and narrow. Don't even think about becoming a lawyer and skating in a mini skirt suit.

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