Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cheers to the joy of the Barren Womb


Eight colleagues sit around to celebrate Linda's promotion from director to Executive director at their fortune 500 company.
Linda's husband, John, was a also invited. He works at a small company.

Sam: So the baby could split-up right on the teenager's face!
All the colleagues laugh at the joke.

Linda: Those baby jokes are so cute. I am glad they are replacing the Chuck Norris ones.

John: (still laughing) If Linda ever had a baby, it would be trying to cross the road by itself also.

Linda: John, (laughing embarrassedly), I wouldn't let a baby that I bore cross the road without me. goodness, you make me sound so illiterate about babies.

John: Oh Linda, come on, anytime a baby cries around you break out in hives and make up a reason to leave the room. You could never handle a baby.

Linda: (getting irritated) I love babies, John. Remember three years ago your friend Stan brought his baby over and I sat right across the room from them the whole time they were in the house. I didn't even run away.

John: You totally were sweating and clinging to the couch for their whole 20 minute visit. Stan asked me as he was leaving if you'd seen a ghost.

Linda: (to her coworkers who are sitting uncomfortably staring at the couple) I love kids, I am not just a work a holic.

John: I'd love to have a few kids. Take them fishing. Are you saying you are willing to have a baby?

Linda: Snap out of it, John, Listen to you! You are talking about KIDS. Those Little Monsters who keep you up all night and spit up on you. They take your energy and leave you with debt. You’re insane if you want to actually have one!

John: Gez, ok, I won't mention it again.

All the others at the table breath a sigh of and together they call for a toast,
Everyone except John: Cheers to the joy of the barren womb.

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