Thursday, September 18, 2014


Two 13 year-old girls sitting in one of their bedrooms covered in One Direction Posters.

Madison: OMG, You didn't accept my SocialNetworkVille facebook game request.

Avery: Oh, I am so sorry. I must have missed it.

Avery pulls her phone out and accepts the request.

Madison: Thank you! Now we can do social network stuff together.

Avery: What is this game?

Madison: Its like a game where you can like ask your friends stuff and flirt. If the person likes your flirting or jokes or stuff, you get points. And its like a gameification of friendship, so you can like, win.

Avery: Nice! OMG, Its like what Facebook was SUPPOSE to be. Gosh, this is awesome.

Girls start playing on it.

Madison: Did you see that awesome joke I just wrote?

Avery: Yeah.

Madison:  Can you click Like? I really want to get more points.

Avery: I didn't really like it that much.

Madison:  Oh GOSH, Your my BFF. You have to just click Like. Don't you want me to win?

Avery: But I feel I should be Honest too, yah know, come on. I should only click like if I actually liked it.

Madison: What the. I can't EVEN. Wow. I thought you were my BFF FOR LIFE. You know, YOu should at least click LIKE on my JOKE SocialNetworkVILLE. GOSH.

Avery: I want to only like things that are ACTUALLY FUNNY. I am unfriending you.

Madison: OMG NO!! I'll LOSE Like A Billion Points if I LOSE EVEN ONE FRIEND.

Avery: Done. Unfriended. Why don't we get some ice cream.

Madison:  Fine. Lets go.

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