Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How not to sell something

Setting: Gym.
Hard core fitness woman with 5 extra pounds walks into the gym.
Personal Trainer: Hi, do you want a free personal training session?
Woman: Sure.

They sit down and he brings out a form. He begins to read it to her:
Personal Trainer: How many times have you started a diet and training program and quit?
Woman: I've always come to the gym or worked out my whole life. I've never dieted. I am here at the gym several times a week.
Personal Trainer: Do you find it very difficult to be motivated to workout?
Woman: Nope
Personal Trainer: Do you find yourself slipping off a diet and gaining extra weight.
Woman: No. I've lost 10 lbs in the last month.
Personal Trainer: Do you get discouraged from not having success in  your training?
Woman: Well I do want to lose 5 more lbs.
Personal Trainer: Sounds like you need a personal trainer!
Woman: Ok....
Personal Trainer: Let me bring in my Personal Training Manager to see what kind of deal you can get.
Woman: Ok....
The Personal Training Manager walks over and shakes the Woman's hand. He glances at the form the Personal Trainer filled out.
Personal Trainer Manager: So are you ready to take your fitness seriously? You've been wasting your time until now.
Woman: Really? I have???
Personal Trainer Manager: You need to stop wasting your life and get your self on a training program to see the results you need.
Woman: Well, I do want to lose 5 lbs.
Personal Trainer Manager: Looks like you just keep dropping your diet and fitness programs, now its time to make a change.
Woman: Not really.
Personal Trainer Manager: Here are our prices.
Woman looks over a sheet. It’s VERY Expensive.
Woman: I can't afford that. Why don't I just have a few sessions so you guys can teach me some techniques?
Personal Trainer Manager: No we can't do that. You have to sign up for six months or a year.
Woman: How about I come once a month, then I'll practice on my own.
Personal Trainer Manager: You can't just see a technique once and think you'll remember it! You'll just quit like before. Its time to stop spinning your wheels!
Woman: I don't think your paying attention. I come here all the time. I just need some techniques and I will remember! You’re not even listening to what I am saying. I've never fallen off any diet and exercise program.
Personal Trainer Manager: I've got to go take a call. I'll be back.

Woman gets up and leaves.

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