Sunday, September 16, 2012

Company Paradise

Companies Paradise
Congressional Hearing on Why Companies keep offshoring their labor forces
Congressman 1: Why are you moving your operations to India?
Chief Executive Officer of large US Company: Many reasons.
1. Labor is cheaper
2. I can create a subsidiary there and I can funnel income from my over seas locations into it so I don't have to pay the extremely high taxes of the US.
3. I don't have the EPA and the other federal nannies in my business causing me more overhead.
4. Most of my growth is overseas in Latin America and Asia. US economy is so slow that its costing me more to operate here. So why should I deal with all the slow backwards regulations and red tape of the US?

Basically what I am saying is the US is just a small piece of my business now, so moving it over seas just makes a lot of sense

Congressman 2: You are such a selfish person. Not only do I think your pay should be capped, but I am going to tax you more because of your offshoring.

Chief Executive Officer of large US Company: Well then I guess I'll just leave totally. And then you won't have any jobs here.

Congressman 1: (To Congressman 2) We need to make it illegal for companies to leave. Remember how East Germany created that wall? Can we do something like that?

Congressman 2: Exactly, lets put a block at the TSA so they can't leave the country.

Chief Executive Officer of large US Company: You guys are totally ridiculous.

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