Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Lucky Break?

Setting: Prison cell on death row.
An earthquake has just been announced and all the men suddenly start hearing a loud sound. The whole prison starts to shake.
Bob: (holding onto the bars) We are going to die
Ted: (Laying in his bed) We are going to die anyways.
Bob: How can you just lay there. We are going to die.
Some breaks start appearing in the wall.
Ted: Oh look at this.
The break gets bigger and light rushes through the cell.
Bob: we need to save our selves
Ted: Its stopping. Lets go.
Ted crawls out the space. Bob looks back and forth from the cell to the outside.
He climbs out too. They are outside the prison. There is a forest only 10 feet from their hole. They both start running into it. They run for a long time.
Bob: We are saved! I am going to start over! I am going to college. I am going to make something of my life.
Ted: We first need to get some money, Fool. I know a good bank we can rob in a town near by.
Bob: Good idea!
Two days later at death row.
Bob: (Standing holding the bars looking depressed) We are going to die.
Ted: We sure are.

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