Sunday, September 2, 2012


Setting: Central park NYC @ 1am
Man wearing dark hoody walks back and forth nervously. He has a large bag on the ground.
Second man approaching carefully looking all around.

1st man: you looking for a good time?
2nd man: yeah. But do you have enough to satisfy?
1st man: your not a cop?
2nd man: of course not! Now what do you have?
1st man: I've got it all!
2nd: good because I am so thirsty.
1st man: yes, now I've got big gulp sprite.
2nd: pfffft! I need something with more kick! I am leaving!
1st man: oh! No I've also got a dr pepper big gulp.
2nd man: naw, I want the Real thing!!! I am outtie.
1st man: no no no! I've got what you want: coke big gulp.
2nd: are you sure it's not an x brand version??
1st man: no way, I'd never do you like that! I've got a reputation.
2nd: ok. Show me the goods.
1st man: show me the Benjamin's,
2nd: woah! How much is this going to set me back!
1st man:
Oh sorry, I like calling them benjamins, but it's really only $20 bucks.
2nd: well call them Jackson's! Dude! You almost gave me a heart attack. 20 bucks is still expensive.
1st man: it's a risky business. I could be fined for selling you this much soda!
2nd: fine, here.
1st man: heres your big gulp! Enjoy and don't call me if you get diabetes.
2nd: ha!! Sure, take it easy man.

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