Saturday, September 17, 2011

Check In Your Husband at IKEA Manland


Trish and Mark walk into the IKEA. They are both in their mid 30's.
Mark is dressed in kahkis and a blue shirt. Trish is wearing a blue plaid dress.

Trish: Mark, here is Manland, you stay here while I go shopping for a rug to match our Microsoft KENIX. Heres your iphone, Ipad, and ipod incase you get board. Make some friends.

Mark: Yay! I am so excited to play with my friends. 

The lady at the check in at Manland stands behind a little counter. Her name badge says Karen.

Karen: Check-in one male?

Trish: Yes

Karen: Name?

Trish: Mark Snill

Karen: Any alergies or illnesses?

Trish: no Peanuts.

Karen: Heres your buzzer. If you try to leave the store without returning this buzzer and picking him up,it will buzz when you leave the store.

Trish: Excellent. Thanks. (to Mark) OK, you ready to go play?

Mark: Yeah! When are you coming back to pick me up? 

Trish: 30 minutes, so don't play any long games.

Mark goes into ManLand and Trish walks away.

Trish: (to herself) now life is perfect.

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