Monday, September 10, 2012

Communist Paradise

Setting: Road in very small town in central China. Husband and wife are professors of political science from USA and are visiting China for a research project. They've just arrived the night before and this is their first visit to the town.

Husband: oh here's a store up here on the right.
Wife: you know China is such a special place. One of the last holdouts of the wonderful communism.
Husband: it's too bad they've diluted it with so much consumerism. If only they'd have stuck to central planning, we could have really seen what communism can do!
Wife: exactly.

Wife: After that long flight I really need some fresh oranges.
Husband: I absolutely need some Marlboro cigarettes. I can't believe I forgot to bring more.

They walk into the store.

Inside they start searching for what they want.
cashier: nin hao.
Wife: do you have oranges?
Husband: do you have Marlboro ?
Cashier: Bu.
Husband ( to wife): bu means no.
Wife: no? How can they not have oranges?

She pulled out her phone and looked up a picture. She showed it to him
Cashier: Bu
Husband: here's what Marlboro look like. It's my last package.
Cashier: Bu.

He points to some other types of brands of cigarettes and some packages of dried figs.
Husband: I guess we should try another store
Wife: I guess.
Cashier: no other store
Husband: damn communism
Wife: double damn it!!

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